Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Meaning of Life

Or, more importantly, why do people need to find a hidden meaning to their existence? Isn't it enough just to be here, alive and well, able to experience all the wonderful things the world has to offer? Isn't it enough of a gift be? Who are we to be ungrateful!?! Maybe the real meaning behind existence is somehow concealed within the concept of people needing meaning for their lives. They ask over and over: Why am i here?, Why do I exist?, What is my purpose?, when the only question they should be asking themselves is why they need answers. It is not mere curiosity that fuels people to ask these questions, so why is it that they feel they need these answers? What if the answers aren't what they were looking for? What if they find that life really is random and meaningless? Is the truth really worth that loss of faith?
It might be easier to get down to the core of the matter and have these people ask themselves why they are unhappy. And it is obvious to me that most people search to find the meaning of life because they are unhappy with whatever 'meaning' they have given their lives thus far. So, case in point, the meaning of life is to discover why people are so eternally unhappy, and the reason people are so eternally unhappy is because they feel their lives don't have meaning. This question comes full circle, as do most things in life that are worth spending time thinking about. I have come to terms with the fact that I exist and that there are things I can control, and things I cannot, and that I know the difference between the two. So now I'm going to go get an ice cream, because that is what will make my existence slightly less eternally unhappy, at least right now.

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